Adisti Kusumaningtyas, S.Psi

Position: Practitioner

Completed BSP Training

Brainspotting Phase One


Professional credentials

A counselor who work together with client whom facing issues related with career, parenting, relationship or marriage and other personal matters

Enjoying grafology, positive psychology, NLP, SEFT, SFBT, and now in front of open door towards Brainspotting

A practical yet grounded modalities to approach and working on clients fundamental problems and or trauma


Address of Practice

 Employee Care Center

Subbagian Konsultasi, Bagian Kesejahteraan

Biro SDM BPK-RI Gedung Menara 7, Lt. 3, Ruang 307

Jl. Gatot Subroto No. 31, Jakarta Pusat, 10210

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