Brainspotting Therapy: About a Bataclan Victim
This original approach combines features of hypnotherapy and EMDR and is based on the concept of eye positions capable of soliciting the psychological assimilation processes of traumatic memories. We briefly present this therapeutic tool (framework, protocol, expected effects) and propose certain hypotheses which may explain its efficacy. For this, we draw on research into the practice of Mindfulness and the theory of mnesic malleability. Finally, the follow-up of a victim of the 2015 attack on the Bataclan in Paris supports the discussions developed here.

Brainspotting – the efficacy of a new therapy approach for the treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in comparison to Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
This study aims at determining the efficacy of the new therapy approach Brainspotting (BSP) in comparison to the established Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) approach for the treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Report of Findings from the Community Survey September 2016
The mission of the Foundation is to devote itself to furthering and supporting operations and activities which address the short-term and long-term unmet needs of individuals and the Newtown community arising from the tragic events at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012.

Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder as a Dissociative Trauma Related Condition Treated with Brainspotting – A Successful Case Report
Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder (PGAD) or Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome (PSAS) is characterized by excessive genital arousal for long periods of time without desire or associated sexual stimulation. Intrusive orgasms arise spontaneously and very frequently, which hinders the patient’s daily routine, work and sleep and leads to significant functional impairment. This condition is unwanted by the individual and perceived as unpleasant and impossible to control.

Brainspotting: Sustained attention, spinothalamic tracts, thalamocortical processing, and the healing of adaptive orientation truncated by traumatic experience
We set out hypotheses which are based in the technique of Brainspotting (Grand, 2013) [1] but have wider applicability within the range of psychotherapies for post-traumatic and other disorders. We have previously (Corrigan and Grand, 2013) [2] suggested mechanisms by which a Brainspot may be established during traumatic experience and later identified in therapy. Here we seek to formulate mechanisms for the healing processing which occurs during mindful attention to the Brainspot; and we generate hypotheses about what is happening during the time taken for the organic healing process to flow to completion during the therapy session and beyond it.

A preliminary study of the efficacy of Brainspotting – a new therapy for the treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) occurs frequently in people, who were exposed to extreme mental stress. Therefore, it is important to develop an effective and well evaluated treatment for this disorder. This preliminary study evaluates the effectiveness of Brainspotting (BSP) – the by David Grand newly developed therapeutic approach for the treatment of PTSD.

Brainspotting: Recruiting the midbrain for accessing and healing sensorimotor memories of traumatic activation
Brainspotting is a psychotherapy based in the observation that the body activation experienced when describing a traumatic event has a resonating spot in the visual field. Holding the attention on that Brainspot allows processing of the traumatic event to flow until the body activation has cleared. This is facilitated by a therapist focused on the client and monitoring with attunement. We set out testable hypotheses for this clinical innovation in the treatment of the residues of traumatic experiences. The primary hypothesis is that focusing on the Brainspot engages a retinocollicular pathway to the medial pulvinar, the anterior and posterior cingulate cortices, and the intraparietal sulcus, which has connectivity with the insula. While the linkage of memory, emotion, and body sensation may require the parietal and frontal interconnections – and resolution in the prefrontal cortex – we suggest that the capacity for healing of the altered feeling about the self is occurring in the midbrain at the level of the superior colliculi and the periaqueductal gray.

Effective treatments for generalized anxiety disorder
This is a clinical experimental comparison study in which three therapeutic intervention techniques are discussed for the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), with respect to a control group (CG). The first technique is based on cognitive behavioral therapy programs (CBT), the second one in the techniques of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), and the third one consisting in location techniques involving relevant eye position and the neural network activated to access to the particular spot where the problem is fixed in the brain (BSP).

Brainspotting @Journal Trauma Germany
ini adalah jurnal mengenai Brainspotting yang ada pada jurnal trauma Zeitschrift fur Psychotraumatologie Und ihre Anwendungen. Daftar isi mengenai jurnal tersebut dapat dilihat di sini.

The Efficacy of Brainspotting Therapy for the Treatment of Tantrum in Young Children
his study uses a new approach of Brainspotting therapy to treat tantrums in young children. Bainspotting is a psychotherapeutic model that has been conceptualized as a brain and body-aware relational attunement process. Thus, the study’s main objective is to determine whether Brainspotting is an effective alternative approach to address the issue of tantrums in young children. The result indicates that Brainspotting is effective as an alternative to reducing tantrums and developing emotional regulation in young children.

Terapi Brainspotting Untuk Menangani Gangguan Depresi Pada Wanita Usia Dewasa

Report of Findings from the Community Survey September 2016

A study of brainspotting therapy in PTSD using 18FDG brain PET scan to evaluate glucose metabolism changes

Brainspotting – the efficacy of a new therapy approach for the treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder