[mc4wp_form id="74"]
Vitria Lazzarini
Completed BSP Training
Brainspotting Phase One
Brainspotting Phase Two
Professional Credentials
Clinical Psychologist
Art Therapy
Interested in Forensic, Natural Disaster, Violence against Women and Girls
Address of Practice
Women Empowerment and Child Protection Center
Jl. Raya Bekasi Timur km. 18
Pulo Gadung, Bekasi
Global Leadership Indonesia
Signature Park Apartment 1st Suite Floor
Jl. Letjend MT Haryono kav 21-22
Jakarta Timur
Pulih Foundation
Jl. Teluk Peleng no. 63 A, Komp. AL Rawa Bambu
Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan